Free service campaign is a special complimentary program to all the Isuzu ELF Truck buyer by Isuzu Malaysia. Every unit ELF truck that registered within Malaysia are automatically signup for this free service campaign. The truck requires to comply for this free service campaign in order to be cover under the Isuzu Warranty Coverage for 5 years / 150,000 km.
What is the eligibility and item covered under the Free Service Campaign
- Apply to Isuzu ELF truck model series, inclusive of Isuzu NLR Pro: NLR77 / NLR 130: NLR85 / NLR Crew / NPR Pro: NPR81 / NPR 150: NPR75 / NPR Crew.
- This campaign valid for 3 years or 100,000 km – whichever occurs first from the date of registration.
- Only apply to newly register truck within the boundaries of Malaysia.
- Inclusive of Engine oil, oil filter and labour charge.
- The truck must be maintained with services at Authorized Dealer`s workshop.
- Only Isuzu indicated engine oil, oil filter to be used.
- The Free Service Booklet & Coupon must bring along throughout the campaign.
- Free Service Booklet consist 6 coupons. Part 1: free maintenance voucher (engine oil, oil filter & labour) – 3 coupons, Part 2: free inspection voucher – 3 coupons.
Isuzu npr pro steel tipper body Isuzu npr pro steel tipper body
Guideline for Free Service Campaign
- The free service or periodic maintenance to be carry out for the truck at mileage 1,000km / 5,000km / 10,000km / 15,000km / 20,000km / 25,000km.
- Engine oil & oil filter are change alternately according to the truck’s mileage.
- Engine oil change & new oil filter at mileage 5,000km / 15,000km / 25,000km.
- Normal inspection on all points inclusive of engine parts (without changing engine oil & oil filter) at mileage 1,000km / 10,000km / 20,000km.
All the information above are sources from Malaysia Isuzu ELF Truck Free Service Campaign Booklet.
Our company are well train and reliable Isuzu Sales Center. We have a team of experience Sales Executive in guiding and suggesting our client in choosing the right Isuzu Truck based on their business usage and budget.
Kindly reach us at 017-9382088 (Mr. Chris), email: or fill-up our enquiry form. We will feed back in the nearest time.